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音标: 英 ['krɔs,tɔ:k]

[计] 串扰, 串音, 串话

n. the presence of an unwanted signal via an accidental coupling


1. Keep the lines of communication open, the crosstalk to a minimum.

保持通信线路畅通 串话干扰调到最小值

2. One of these would even reveal how our universe was once entangled with another, through a process called crosstalk.

其中之一甚至可以揭示 我们的宇宙曾如何通过被称为"串扰"的过程 与另一个宇宙纠缠在一起

3. Laura predicted that this crosstalk would leave an imprint on our early universe, a bit like a birthmark, and we could see this as a cold spot in the co ic microwave background.

洛拉预言这种串扰 在早期宇宙中留下了 类似胎记的痕迹 我们可以把它看作 宇宙微波背景里的一块冷斑

4. However, traces of that infancy, of that crosstalk between all the surviving universes and the landscape structure, those are imprinted forever in our sky because, after all, what we look at today in the sky is just a blownup version, a rescaled version, of what once was in our universe when it was in its infancy.

然而 宇宙初创期的痕迹 所有幸存的宇宙之间串扰的痕迹 以及那个地形结构的痕迹 都永远刻印在我们的天空之中 因为无论如何 今天我们在天空中看到的 都是曾经存在于我们的宇宙之中的 是在宇宙的初创期 经过暴胀和重新尺度化后的版本



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

