中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [wɒft] 美 [wɑft, wæft]

vt. 随风传送, 使飘荡
vi. 飘荡
n. 吹拂, 飘荡

v. be driven or carried along, as by the air
v. blow gently


1. I like it, keep wafting, waft harder.

我喜欢 继续扇 用力

2. I noticed a unique scent wafting from his hair.


3. It's probably just your breath wafting back into your face.


4. The germs, they just wafted out of you every time you complained.

那些病菌 每一次在你抱怨时 都从你口中呼出

5. The overwhelming ell of her expensive perfume wafted through the front door.

她那浓烈的香水味 从前门飘出

6. Yeah. I turned the exhaust fan on high so the ell wafts outside.

我把排氣扇開到最強勁了 香味全吹出去了

7. Caroline, I knew I caught a waft of soup breath and eczema cream.

卡洛琳 我就说我闻到了汤和湿疹膏的味道

8. The reason basset hounds have such long ears is so they can waft up the scent when they're hunting.

巴吉度猎犬耳朵长是因为 能在狩猎时 捕捉猎物气味

9. A fan and dancing is the best combination ever, cos you get to waft a fan and dance.

扇子和舞蹈是最棒的组合 因为你既能挥舞扇子又能跳舞

10. When he's finished, the feeling of a breeze wafting against your skin will be enough to make you beg me to kill you.

他注射完之后 一阵清风拂过你的肌肤 都足以让你求我给你个痛快



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

