中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈmeɪdʒə(r)] 美 [ˈmedʒɚ]

n. 主修课, 成年人, 陆军少校
a. 主要的, 较多的, 大部分的, 成年的, 严重的
vi. 主修
[计] 主要, 主要刻度

n. a commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines; below lieutenant colonel and above captain
n. British statesman who was prime minister from 1990 until 1997 (born in 1943)
n. a university student who is studying a particular field as the principal subject
n. the principal field of study of a student at a university


1. If it's major to you guys, it's major to me.

对你们重要的事 对我也重要

2. We're talking about major roads in a major city.


3. You kicked some major butt in there, I mean, major butt.

你真的是振聋发聩啊 振聋发聩

4. You guys, we've all been forced into a major, major career change.

伙计们 我们都 进行 巨大的职业转变

5. We're about to rid ourselves of an who has majorly, majorly ed us over.

我们马上就要干掉一个 给我们捅了大大大篓子的家伙

6. It's a fifth major or fourth major. I'm losing count.

这是第五个专业还是第四个 我都数不清了

7. 'cause I got me a case major I say, a major case.

因为我的案子很大 是个大案子

8. Oh, well, you know, she's always had a major, major thing for me.

你知道的 她一直超级喜欢我的

9. This is happening in every major continent, every major city.

各个大陆都有这种情况 每个大城市都有

10. Sly is just really struggling from a major, major brain freeze.

希尔现在在于 很可怕的脑冻结斗争



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

