中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈbreɪnpaʊə(r)] 美 [ˈbrenˌpaʊɚ]

n. 智能, 智囊

n mental ability


1. But he devotes more of his brainpower to his love of trains than he does to forming relationships with other people.

但他对心爱的火车所投入的精力 要比与他人建立人际关系要多得多

2. Whatever lies ahead requires brainpower, sherlock, not sentiment.

后面无论有什么 考验的都是智力 夏洛克 不是情感

3. It didn't make any sense to me the strigoi could be so high functioning with so little brainpower.

我实在是搞不懂 返魂尸的智力如此低下 何来这么高的行动力

4. The paperwork requires the brainpower of two geniuses working all night.

那些书面文件得凭借两位天才的智力 花一整晚时间才能弄好

5. He's he's very highfunctioning, but he devotes more of his brainpower to his love of trains than he does to forming relationships with other people.

他的自闭症属于高功能类 但他对热爱的火车所投入的精力 要比与他人建立人际关系要多得多

6. With the combined brainpower of the global scientific community, the cure for herpes won't be my creation, it'll be all of ours.

集合全球科学家的智慧 疱疹的解药将不会是我的创造 而是我们所有人的

7. Studies suggest this can compensate for raw brainpower, helping to strengthen our weaknesses.

研究表明它能弥补先天的智力 帮助加强我们的弱点

8. Now, we're rotating in brainpower bimonthly, working graveyards before we use up our last live test subject.

现在我们每两月个月换一批人 秘密进行试验 直到我们耗尽最后的活体试验对象

9. Late morning is the best time to do things that require lots of brainpower, like writing and planning.

中午前最适合做需要大量脑力的事情 比如写作和规划

10. There is so much that we can do to improve our brainpower and it's important to add that there are lots of things that intelligence tests can't measure, like personality.

我们能做很多事来增强智力 需要补充的要点是 很多东西 是智力测试无法度量的 比如品格



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

