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音标: 英 [ˈsɒsɪdʒ] 美 [ˈsɒsɪdʒ]

n. 香肠, 腊肠

n. highly seasoned minced meat stuffed in casings


1. I had a hot sausage, hot sausage chili.

我点了一份辣香肠 辣香肠配辣椒

2. It's like a torch without batteries, it's like a sausage roll with no sausage.

手电筒没有电池 香肠卷没有香肠

3. The sausage meat I'm using is quality butcher's pork meat, but using good sausages works well too.

我用的香肠肉是优质猪肉 不过用香肠也行

4. The best thing to do is pick the sausage that you like it could be pork, venison, anything but pick a sausage meat that you like and use that, but you then heighten that earthiness with the pudding and that little bit of thyme in it.

挑选你喜欢的香肠就好 猪肉 鹿肉 什么肉都行 选喜欢的做成派 血肠和百里香的泥土芬芳 会凸显出来

5. In here, he's more sausage than dog.

在这里 它更像腊肠 而不是狗

6. I did not know how the sausage was made.


7. I wish I could burp up some sausage.


8. Which I like in a sausage, but not a pussy.

香肠里有血我喜欢 那下面就算了

9. Tell me about it. It's a bit of a sausage fest.

可不是嘛 那里简直就是个香肠派对

10. I only do hot dogs, sausages and polishes.

我只负责准备热狗 香肠和擦鞋



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

