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音标: 英 [streŋθ] 美 [strɛŋkθ, strɛŋθ, strɛnθ]

n. 力量, 实力, 强度, 浓度, 人数, 抵抗力
[化] 强度

n. the property of being physically or mentally strong
n. the condition of financial success


1. strength and breath, strength and breath, strength and breath.

用力 呼吸 用力 呼吸 用力 呼吸

2. It takes strength, but not only strength.

这需要力量 但仅仅有力量是不够的

3. The strength he had, the physical strength, was amazing.

他的力量 体力太惊人了

4. It's been going from strength to strength on a daily basis.


5. The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other.

有种力量 让家庭堪比军队 那就是忠诚

6. The strength of the pack is the wolf, but the strength of the wolf is the pack.

狼群的力量来自 每一匹狼 但是狼的力量来自于族群

7. And it was giving him strength, and he used that strength to play his horn.

那给了他力量 他借此来吹他的小号

8. She's only here because of your strength and so am I.

她来到这里多亏了你的坚强 我也一样

9. A rhino uses strength, but the tiger uses both strength and technique.

犀牛使用蛮力 而老虎会将力量与技术结合

10. No doubt the strength of spirit speaks louder than the strength of body.

毫无疑问 精神的力量 比肉体的力量更强大



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

