中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [vest] 美 [vest]

n. 背心, 汗背心
vt. 使穿衣服, 授予
vi. 穿衣服, 归属

n. a man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat
v. place (authority, property, or rights) in the control of a person or group of persons
v. become legally vested
v. clothe oneself in ecclesiastical garments


1. Belt to chin 'cause that hits my vest, the vest I got on.

腰到下巴 因为会打在我穿的防弹衣上

2. Place the vest over your head and fasten the straps to the front of the vest.

请将救生衣穿过头顶 并将带子拉到前方系紧

3. Garrett gets chewed up really quickly, but the vest the vest protected him.

加略特很快就受伤了 但有防弹衣护体

4. A tourist once offered me $5 to put a tiny vest on a squirrel, but wasn't the right vest.

有个游客给我五块钱 让我给松鼠穿背心 但是背心不对

5. You're right, I do. I have a tie and vest.

对啊 我也打上领带穿上马甲了

6. I'm telling you, the vest is not your friend.

我跟你说 你穿马甲不好看

7. No, no. I'm fine. II have my vest on.

不 我没事 我穿着防弹衣

8. I never would have detonated that vest.


9. because you didn't explode the vest you were wearing.


10. I got my vest on, so I'll protect you out there.

我穿好了防弹衣 我会在外保护你的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

