中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [trɒ:l]

n. 拖网
v. 用拖网捕鱼

n. a long fishing line with many shorter lines and hooks attached to it (usually suspended between buoys)
n. a conical fishnet dragged through the water at great depths
v. fish with trawlers


1. I don't know why you're trawling all this up, but this was a mistake.

我不知道你为什么要旧事重提 但这是个错误

2. I've trawled the database, I can't find anything.

我查遍了數據庫 什麼也沒找到

3. I want to search that bushland and trawl that dam.

我想搜寻下那片树丛 用拖网检查河底

4. I was reassigned that morning, told to help with the trawl.

我是那天早上被重新分配过去 帮忙查监控

5. I want this whole area trawled for witnesses.

搜索這片區域 尋找目擊證人

6. Guys, less family therapy, more trawling for dead bodies.

好了 别再说家里的事了 继续寻找尸体吧

7. if you're asking me to trawl through my private life, that is something we really should be doing at ministerial level.

如果你要我回顾我的私生活 这是我们在部长这个职位上就应该做的事

8. And the "aha" moment was the first time we threw that trawl in the ocean and pulled it in.

我們第一次認識到它們的危害時是我們 第一次把拖網扔進海里然後拉上來

9. One researcher has been trawling back over decades of clinical trial data, looking for answers.

有位研究者一直在搜索过去数十年间的 临床试验数据 想找到答案

10. The following rays will trawl up the victims and, in turn, their wing beats create even more carnage.

后面的蝠鲼们坐享其成 以此类推 他们扇动的翼幅 再次造成大



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