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音标: 英 ['pɑ:zɪŋ] 美 ['pɑ:zɪŋ]

[计] 语法分析, 剖析

v analyze syntactically by assigning a constituent structure to (a sentence)


1. You can't parse this. It's all or nothing.

这不是文字游戏 要么做到底 要么不做

2. After that, I want you both to be thinking about how to parse out discovery.

在那之后 我希望你们都考虑一下 如何进行强制披露

3. It's good money, and they parse it out over five years.

奖金很丰厚 五年分期支付

4. Increase will parse your words until he is convinced they are truth.

英克里斯会仔细分析你每一句话 直到他相信你说的是实话

5. I thought we would take a minute to parse the work of this poet.


6. This guy's driving me crazy, parsing his words like my father.

这人要把我逼疯了 跟我爸一样 就爱计较语词

7. I get deposed, crossexamined, every word gets parsed.

我会宣誓 被各种盘问 每个字都会被拿出来解析

8. Well, no one loves parsing more than I do, and even I find this tedious, but... yes.

没人比我更喜欢分析语法 但我都觉得烦了 但你是对的

9. I'm just, I'm just saying un until now he he's been real careful about how he parses all his words, so..

我只是说 直到现在 他对自己的措辞 一直非常谨慎 所以



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

