中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [jen] 美 [jɛn]

n. 日元(日本货币单位), 渴望, 嗜好
vi. 渴望

n. the basic unit of money in Japan; equal to 100 sen


1. And the yen continues its historic rise.


2. I'm the one who leaked the yen trade.


3. All we have to do is short the yen, and we'll make a ing killing.

我们只需要做空日元 就能大赚一笔

4. Combining the dollar, yuan, yen and above all the euro.

合并美元 人民币 日元 还有欧元

5. You and I, my friend, will be spending our days swimming in yen.

你和我 我的朋友 要发大财了

6. Instead, it was more like millions of yen, but this wasn't a total bust.

更可能是数百万日元 但他不是真的这么穷

7. Which is why you have to convince him to find a patsy to pin the yen thing on.

所以你必须说服他 找个替罪羊来背日元交易的锅

8. It's like... okay, so, you could pay for something with a dollar or you could pay for something with yen.

比如你可以拿一美元买东西 或拿日元买

9. Wait a second, the dollar took a dive against the yen two weeks ago.

你等等 美元兑日元的汇率下跌 是两周前的事了

10. You can buy dirty schoolgirl panties for, like, I don't know, 10,000 yen.

专门卖女学生的脏 大概 一万日元一条



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