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[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 盖尔 Julian的昵称


1. Out of all the lot we've had, this has been the ones that have gelled the most.

在所有的研究中 这些猫猫是共处最融洽的

2. The back was mad, bro, gelling it for time.

干什么呢 一直不接电话

3. The gelled hair and the crazy makeup and the beautiful dresses.

抹了发胶的头发 浓厚的妆容 还有漂亮的裙子

4. Team's still gelling, but they got a lot of heart.

团队还在融合 但他们很有勇气

5. All I need to add now is that I am gonna add a gelling agent into this.


6. It's a very common gelling agent, used in all kinds of sweets and preparations.

这是种常见的胶凝剂 广泛应用于各种甜品和制剂

7. Women on our site say they want sweet and sensitive, but they click on guys with abs and gelled hair.

我们网站上的女人说她们想找体贴的暖男 但是她们选的是有腹肌和发型很帅的男生

8. Every face care type of gel you can pick up, really much as guarantee to use this as gelling agent.

市面上能买到的护肤品 几乎无一例外都用它来做胶凝剂

9. And also we have guar gum, and this is a gelling, thickening agent, used not only in food, but also in pharmaceutical industry for, like, shampoos and toothpaste.

还有瓜尔胶 这是一种胶凝增稠剂 不仅用于食品中 还用于制药工业 比如洗发水和牙膏



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

