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音标: 英 [ræ'pel] 美 [ræ'pel]

n. 绕绳下降

n. (mountaineering) a descent of a vertical cliff or wall made by using a doubled rope that is fixed to a higher point and wrapped around the body
v. lower oneself with a rope coiled around the body from a mountainside


1. I say we rappel in and we roll in quiet.

我们就用绳索降下去 然后安静地接近

2. You're gonna rappel down from that roof right there.


3. That's new. I had a moment yesterday, as I rappelled down into that ravine.

新鲜啊 我昨天跳下峡谷时 有所顿悟

4. Doctors rappelling from helicopters, running into burning buildings.

医生从直升机上沿着吊索降落 冲进着火的大楼

5. This morning we rappelled down a side of a building to rescue a hostage.

今天早上我们从一幢大楼的侧面垂降下来 去营救一名人质

6. Mais j'ai son portrait pour me le rappeler.

但我想他的时候 可以看看他的画像

7. We gave her some climbing lessons and rappelling, but definitely not enough for her to go spelunking on her own.

我们教了她几节攀岩课和绳索下降 但那绝对不够她自己去做洞穴探险的

8. There is a winch and a harness on the dam's walkway for repairs, but someone will need to rappel down.

在大坝的走廊上 有修复用的绞车和吊绳 但是得有人吊着绳索下去

9. Ninth floor, it has roof access so we can rappel down if we need a quick exit.

九楼 那可以到屋顶 如果需要快速撤离我们可以索降

10. I honestly thought I was gonna have to rappel down cause the ascent was a little bit more difficult than I thought.

我以为自己下山时能绕绳索下滑 因为上山比我想象中要难一点



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

