中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['reɪsɪ] 美 [ˈresɪ]

a. 保持原味的, 活泼的, 生动的, 为竞赛设计的

s. designed or suitable for competing in a race


1. Not as racy as all that, worse luck.

很不幸 也没那么有意思

2. Yes, some of our exchanges were quite racy.

是的 有些你来我往的内容相当"生动"

3. Little racy for a family show, but sure.

对于家庭剧来说有点限制级 但是好吧

4. I haven't watched it yet, so if it gets racy, shield your eyes.

我还没看过 所以如果画风不雅 注意护眼

5. She sent at least a dozen of these racy selfies to the same number.

她发了至少有十来张 的 照 到同一个号码

6. You know, these animal valentines you got for the kids to take to school, they're a little racy.

你给孩子们选的这些要带去学校的情人节贺卡 有点太挑逗人了

7. So you created a scandal racy enough to get you fired but didn't appear to be an intentional violation of the clause that's really art.

所以你制造了足以让你被炒鱿鱼的丑闻 但又不构成对条款的蓄意违反 这招太聪明了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

