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音标: 英 [wʊlf] 美 [wʊlf]

n. 狼, 残忍贪婪之人, 极度穷困
vt. 狼吞虎咽, 大吃

n. any of various predatory carnivorous canine mammals of North America and Eurasia that usually hunt in packs
n. Austrian composer (1860-1903)
n. German classical scholar who claimed that the Iliad and Odyssey were composed by several authors (1759-1824)
n. a man who is aggressive in making amorous advances to women


1. To protect the sheep, you got to catch the wolf, and it takes a wolf to catch a wolf.

为了保护羊 就必须抓住狼 想要抓住狼 我们必须也有一只狼

2. Like that they were attacked by a wolf an invisible wolf.

比如 他们是被狼袭击的 隐形的狼

3. Except for the wolf. I always loved the wolf.

但除了狼以外 我一直很喜欢狼

4. So not only do we have an unmotivated wolf attack, we have a leaderless wolf attack.

那么这起狼群袭击不仅毫无动机 还没有头领

5. The strength of the pack is the wolf, but the strength of the wolf is the pack.

狼群的力量来自 每一匹狼 但是狼的力量来自于族群

6. There are two wolves in each of us, a black wolf and a white wolf.

我们每人心中都有两匹狼 一只黑的 一只白的

7. And then I threw it to a wolf and then I hunted that wolf and then I skinned it and ate it raw.

然后扔给一头狼 然后我猎捕了那头狼 剥掉皮 生吃了

8. Um, I mean, you could you could train, train a bear to be a wolf, or a wolf to be a bear.

你可以训练 把熊训练成狼 把狼训练成熊

9. We have caught a wolf once in one of these bear traps, so even a wolf is a possibility.

我们曾经在一个捕熊器里 抓到过一头狼 所以也可能会是一头狼

10. I'm a wolf, but you, you're pregnant.

我也是狼人 但你怀孕了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

