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音标: 英 [ˌkɒmpen'seɪtərɪ] 美 [ˌkɒmpen'seɪtərɪ]

a. 赔偿的, 补偿的, 代偿的
[医] 代偿的, 补偿的

a. Serving for compensation; making amends.


1. So that's an important objection to the compensatory argument.

所以这是对弥补论的 重要反驳

2. Your compensatory projection of menace is a guarantor of its lack.

你不断诉诸暴力的做法 恰好说明你缺乏这个

3. You could be entitled to punitive and compensatory damages up to $5 million.

您完全有权利要求对方赔偿损失 而最高补偿 可达五百万美元

4. But this is just a garden variety compensatory abduction fantasy.

这只是对于绑架的 美好的补偿

5. 500 milliliters of blood weighs 1.1 pound, compensatory angle is 23 degrees.

50毫升血液 重约500克 风偏补偿角23度

6. Now, the diversity argument is different from the compensatory argument, because it makes a certain appeal to the social purpose or the social mission of the college or university.

现在 多元论 不同于弥补论 因为前者表达了对大专院校的社会目标 或者社会使命的某种诉求

7. We ask for compensatory damages in the amount of $80,000, and $10,000 in punitives, along with a clear instruction from the court that the defendant may not shoot drones out of the sky.

我们要求八万元的损害赔偿 以及一万元的惩罚性赔偿 以及法院明确指示 被告不许击落无人机



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

