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音标: 英 [wɜ:ld] 美 [wɜrld ]

n. 世界, 地球, 宇宙, 万物, 世人, 人间, 领域, 世事, 世故, 社会生活, 大量
[法] 世界, 地球, 世人

n. people in general; especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest
n. all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you
n. a part of the earth that can be considered separately
n. all of the living human inhabitants of the earth


1. It's this world. It's it's the world.

就是这个世界 就是现实世界

2. This world is yours, this world is yours.

世界由你掌控 世界由你掌控

3. Your world is now my world, like all worlds.

你的世界现在是我的了 就像所有世界一样

4. I am having the best life, life, life, in the whole world, world, world, world.

我拥有最棒的老二生活 生活 在整个老二世界 世界 世界中

5. You're not sorry you're in this world his world.

你并不感到抱歉生活在这个世界里 生活在他的世界里

6. I had to protect her from the world, and the world from her.

我必须保护她不受这个世界的伤害 也要保护这个世界不受她的伤害

7. That there's another world out there, because we didn't know the world, so we kind of had no world, and I think the movies helped us create our own kind of world.

会有另一个世界存在 是因为我们不知道这个世界什么样 所以我们差不多就是没有世界 我想 是电影帮我们创造了 一个我们自己的世界

8. not part of the world you once knew but rather a very different world, a world where abbies thrive, rule.

你们曾熟悉的世界的一部分 而是一个完全不同的世界 一个畸变人横行 统治的世界

9. It was me or the world, and my world felt complete.

我要想拯救世界 就不能自保 我的世界已经完整了

10. My ascension from this world to a world beyond.

从这个世界 飞升到 一个世外的天地



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

