中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['fæləʊ] 美 [ˈfælo]

n. 休耕地
a. 休耕的, 淡棕色的

n. cultivated land that is not seeded for one or more growing seasons
s. left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season
s. undeveloped but potentially useful


1. fallow deer male fallow deer compete to mate with females.

黇鹿 雄黇鹿会为了交配而竞争

2. The land was fallow and we needed grain.

田休耕了 我们要粮食果腹

3. When oke crosses a fallow field, the crows take to the sky.

当烟雾穿过休耕的土地 乌鸦飞向天空

4. We're surrounded by hundreds of square miles of nothing but fallow farmlands.

四周空空如也 只有几百平方英里的 休耕农田

5. And this time of the year, the fallow deer engage in what we call the rut.

每年的这个时节 黇鹿都会进入 期

6. Putting on his only pair of boots, he trudged through the snow across a fallow field.

他穿上了唯一的一双靴子 他踏过了一片积雪的休耕地

7. About our people living like pigs and good, rich land laying fallow.

我们过着牛马不如的生活 那些懒惰的富人

8. On the estate, we have fallow deer which has started to be on season, but the roe deer, they change from bucks to does, obviously.

庄园里 黇鹿正当猎杀的季节 不过麆鹿 现在只能打公的了

9. All manner of things can grow from fallow soil, as you've intimated in your letters, and, uh, there certainly seems to be an abundance of that out here.

正如你在信里提到的那样 休耕的土地上可以种出各种各样的作物 而那里似乎有很多这样的土地

10. We've got rabbits and hares, deer, largely roe deer wild on the estate, but also fallow and red deer within the grounds.

兔子 野兔 还有鹿 大部分是散养的麆鹿 也有黇鹿和赤鹿



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

