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音标: 英 ['hedspeɪs] 美 ['hedˌspeɪs]

[机] 顶部空间

n. the volume left at the top of a filled container (bottle or jar or tin) before sealing


1. headspace, which I think I should try.

冥想空间 我觉得我也该试试

2. Maybe I'm not in the right headspace for a relationship.

也许我现在的状态 不适合谈恋爱

3. I mean the soloing headspace is so fragile.

徒手攀岩的话 头顶区域很容易出问题

4. I'm just, like, not really in the headspace for it.

我就是 好像 不在最好的状态去办案子

5. Even if he were in a good headspace, which he's not, we both know what he'd say.

就算他状态良好 实则不然 咱俩都清楚他会怎么说

6. Oh, it's safe to say she qualifies as being in a negative headspace.

可以肯定地说 她现在处于消极状态

7. I feel like your headspace is finally getting dialed in.

感觉你终于开窍了 如鱼得水

8. This is just another way you lot can have some headspace while I look after her.

你们这么做 只是想让我照看她 好让自己清静一会儿

9. You should totally consider tripping unless you feel like you're in a negative headspace.

你该考虑 验幻觉 除非你觉得你现在处于消极的状态

10. I'm not really in the right headspace to make an honest decision right now.

我现在的状态 没法做正确的决定



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

