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音标: 英 ['lævətrɪ] 美 [ˈlævəˌtɒrɪ, -ˌtorɪ]

n. 洗脸盆, 厕所

n a room or building equipped with one or more toilets
n a bathroom sink that is permanently installed and connected to a water supply and drainpipe; where you can wash your hands and face
n a toilet that is cleaned of waste by the flow of water through it


1. It is a noble task to clean the lavatories.


2. Only one outside lavatory between the lot of us.

我们这么多人就一个卫生间 还在外面

3. Excuse me, I need to go and use the lavatory.

抱歉 我需要去厕所一下

4. Even in war, lavatories must be clean.

就算在打仗 厕所也得时刻保持干净的

5. There are lavatories on the left if anybody wishes to use them.

如果有人想上厕所的话 左手边倒是有几个

6. So, if you're needing the lavatory in the night, you take a lamp.

所以 要是你夜里要如厕 就拿上一盏油灯

7. One moment, please. I must go to the lavatory.

请稍等 我得先上个厕所

8. I prefer my gentlemen to not be cavalier in their use of the lavatory paper.

我希望我的男租客们 用厕纸时不要太随便

9. Er, just going to go down the hallway to only use your lavatory.

我要到走廊里一下 借用一下你们的厕所

10. You don't have a women's lavatory on the second floor because no women get this far up.

二楼没有女厕 是因为没有女人升到这级别



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

