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音标: 英 [ˈfaɪəstɔ:m] 美 [ˈfaɪərstɔ:rm]

n. 风暴性大火

n. a storm in which violent winds are drawn into the column of hot air rising over a severely bombed area
n. an outburst of controversy


1. You wanted both the firestorm and the credit for cleaning it up.

你既想要制造风波又想揽下 平息风波的功劳

2. The firestorm has been nearly instant, and it is intense.

两人之间的战火一触即发 来势汹汹

3. firestorm was tonight's main objective, but getting you that's just gravy.

火风暴是今晚的主要目标 但抓到你 真是意外收获

4. What I'm asking for is for you to help get those people off the street before this becomes a firestorm.

我要的是你想办法在事情闹大前 把街上 的人赶走

5. And then the sun will disappear behind a dust cloud, and then comes the firestorm.

然后太阳会被尘埃云遮住 刮起火风暴

6. If we turn the dragons loose, tens of thousands will die in the firestorms.

如果我们放龙出战 成千上万的人会葬身火海

7. I'm in the middle of a firestorm, and the driver they've assigned to me, to put it mildly, is an idiot with an attitude.

我有急事 但是他们派给我的司机 说得委婉一些 是个傲慢的

8. David, we got a real firestorm coming our way and not a lot of time to prepare.

大卫 一大批敌机正冲过来 准备的时间少得可怜

9. The swamps will burn for days until the rains grow strong enough to extinguish the firestorm.

沼泽地上的大火会持续好几天 直到有倾盆大雨 可以熄灭熊熊大火

10. Illegally recorded videotapes, more fuel to add to the firestorm of controversy that is consuming one of the country's oldest and more prestigious prep schools.

非法录制的录像带 让国内声望卓著的老牌预科学校之一 引发的流言蜚语继续发酵



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