中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈfʊtɪŋ] 美 [ˈfʊtɪŋ]

n. 站稳, 立足点, 立场, 关系
[化] 脚子(糖浆下脚的结晶)

n. status with respect to the relations between people or groups
n. a relation that provides the foundation for something


1. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot.

左脚 右脚 左脚 右脚

2. Foot, foot, foot, or you gonna trip on this step.

小心脚下 小心 小心 不然会被绊倒的

3. But there are times when a foot must be put down and I regret to inform you that my foot, indeed both my foot... feet, have been thrust firmly into the ground.

但有时候 我不得不放下一只脚 而且我得告诉你 我的一只脚 其实是我的两只脚 双脚 都已经被牢牢钉在地面了

4. But they're about to have a foot up theirs.

但他们 上也要有脚印了

5. Right foot sinks low to a flat edge, left foot steps through to an edge, right foot back steps really high so you can sag your weight around the corner without having to swing.

右脚踩住一条平边 左脚跟上踩住另一条棱边 右脚收回来用力抬高 这样就能在岩角上支撑住身体 而不用荡过去了

6. A few members from his church were worried he had one foot in, one foot out.

他教堂里的有些成员很担忧 他没有断了过去联系 投身教会

7. Well, you have one foot up here, and you have one foot still down there in the blocks.

好吧 你有一只脚在上面 你还有一只脚在下面的积木里

8. Anyway, look, we'll just be one foot in, one foot out.

別擔心 我們進去馬上就出來

9. You step on it with the other foot and then it sticks to your other foot and then it takes for ingever to get rid of it.

就用另一只脚把它踩下来 然后它又粘在了你另一只鞋上 然后要好久才能把它弄掉

10. You have one foot in the past, one foot in the future and you piss on the present.

你一只脚踩在过去 一只脚踩在未来 然后你叉着腿尿在现在



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

