中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈmi:gə(r)] 美 [ˈmiɡɚ]

a. 瘦的, 不毛的, 贫乏的, 贫弱的, 少量的, 力量不够的, 质不高的, 量不足的

a deficient in amount or quality or extent


1. We are distributing rations, but they are meagre.

我们虽 分发 但还是远远不够

2. If only there was something I could do to augment our meagre income.

如果我可以想办法 提升我们微薄的收入就好了

3. And our meagre number within this hall is further proof of that.

而这个大厅里寥寥无几的我们 进一步证明了这点

4. And during her lifetime, she paid for this spectacular monument to be made using her savings, her meagre savings for this spectacular object.

穷其一生 她花费积蓄 打造了这座壮观的纪念碑 用微薄的积蓄换来了这尊美丽的雕塑

5. It's like an immediate note from his own vision, and everything in it that's kind of rough and raw and crude and claylike and meagre about it actually makes you feel there.

就像他对眼前的景色做出的即时记录 一切景物都粗糙而简略 有种黏土的质感 简陋而贫瘠 但却使人如临其境

6. Here are the first pictures of the opening of the second front; pictures which security demands should be meagre at this stage, yet thrilling because they carry the first flush of excitement as the mammoth task gets underway.

以下是第二战线开战的第一段影像 现阶段影像是保护措施较少情况下拍摄的 但令人兴奋的是 当这项庞大的任务 开始时 他们心情很激动



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

