中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ʌnˈkwentʃəbl] 美 [ʌnˈkwɛntʃəbəl]

a. 不能熄灭的, 不能遏制的, 止不住的

s impossible to quench


1. All of the pop of the unquenchable mystical flame, but in projectile form.

不可熄灭的魔法火焰 改造成了可发射的子弹

2. and how, one day, we would use their unquenchable desire to seize control.

还有我们将如何 在将来某天用他们难填的欲壑来还治其身

3. There is another force, a different type of hunger, an unquenchable thirst that cannot be extinguished.

仍有一种力量 不同类型的饥渴 一种无法被浇灭的饥渴

4. Your sole reason for being is to try to satisfy this unquenchable thirst for physical pleasure.

你存在的唯一理由就是尽可能满足 自己对肉体欢愉的难抑渴望

5. Searching in the desert for a drop of vengeance to slake an unquenchable thirst is a lonely walk, my friend.

想在沙漠里寻找一滴复仇的甘露 来滋润无可抑制的干渴 这可是条漫漫长路啊 朋友

6. I think they will stick around, they will endure not forever, nothing survives forever but at any rate for the next millennia, as unmistakable evidence of the best things that our species was capable of creating things that have been made by the liberated thought, the acute vision and the unquenchable creative fire of our shared humanity.

我认为它们会继续保存 会长存不衰 但不是永存 没什么会永垂不朽 但是至少在下一个千年不会消失 正如那些确凿无疑的我们人类 在过去所创造出的最好的东西 那些经自由的头脑所创造的东西 我们共同人性当中那敏锐的洞察力 以及无法熄灭的创造之火



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