中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈbʊərɪʃ] 美 [ˈbʊrɪʃ]

a. 粗野的, 粗鄙的

s. ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance


1. II fear she would find my company boorish.


2. He's boorish, and uncouth, and I just might do him on the plane.

他很粗野 又呆笨 我可能在飞机上就要跟他打一炮

3. I didn't think it could possibly matter to anyone but the most boorish of our allies.

我以为除了最粗俗的盟友 样貌对其他人来说不重要呢

4. Excuse me? I am a top television journalist, not some boorish bint in a bikini.

你说什么 我是个顶尖的电视新闻记者 不是什么穿比基尼的低俗女郎

5. And it seems to me, if you apologize for your boorish behavior, you may have a chance to win her back.

在我看来 如果你能为 自己粗鲁的行为道歉 你也许还有机会赢回她的心

6. That's why you're lashing out in here, defensive, allowing your rage at yourself to manifest in boorish, childish behavior.

这就是为什么你在这儿发泄一通 带着抵触情绪 通过粗野和幼稚的行为 来表达你的愤怒

7. Granted, he suddenly disappeared, uh, but I'll allow some boorish behaviour at a faculty mixer.

没错 他突然消失了 不过在教工交谊会上我允许他举止粗野一点

8. And now, rather than admit these feelings, you're dancing around one another with this mindnumbing and frankly boorish mating ritual.

现在 你们不愿承认你们的感情 而是跟彼此 上演着令人 笨拙交配仪式

9. A hidden camera seems like an awfully complicated means to see something that, well, pardon the boorishness, I can see in the flesh.

我能亲眼所见的胴体 抱歉用语粗俗了 又何必用隐藏摄像头来看



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