中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɪ'ventfl] 美 [ɪˈvɛntfəl]

a. 变故多的, 多事的, 重要的

a. full of events or incidents


1. Not so much a musical event, but a cultural event.

不是音乐盛宴 更像是文化盛宴

2. Travel around the country from event to event.

全国各地到处跑 参加一场又一场的赛事

3. Or it... it could be because of events here.


4. He's in one event uptown, and he's downtown at another event.

可能去上城参加一个活动 然后又要赶去下城参加另一个

5. A coin flip is not a random event, it's a complex event.

抛硬币不是随机事件 而是复合事件

6. I just think that religious events should be as interesting as secular events.

我觉得宗教活动 该跟世俗活动一样有趣才对

7. change the events that brought you here, you will never come here and ask me to change those events.

改变了驱使你来到这里的事件 你就永远都不会到这里来 然后要求我改变那些事件

8. Any one of these dots could represent the next such event, which would be the last event in human history.

这里任何一个点都能导致那样的事件 也将是人类历史上最后一个事件

9. Now, the next time we recall that event, we are, in fact, recalling the memory of that event.

下次再回想那件事 我们其实 是在回想起那次事件的记忆

10. Amnesia caused by anytraumatic event, injury or drug can erase memories before the event, not just after.

由创伤性事件 受伤或是用药引起的失忆 不但能抹去事后记忆 还能抹去事前的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

