中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ʃaɪnə(r)] 美 ['ʃaɪnər]

n. 出色的人, 发亮物, 发光体, (英)(非正式)钱币, (英)(非正式)金钱

n. a swollen bruise caused by a blow to the eye
n. something that shines (with emitted or reflected light)
n. any of numerous small silvery North American cyprinid fishes especially of the genus Notropis


1. He ended up with a shiner; she ended up dead.

他被打出了只熊猫眼 而她被杀害了

2. Oh, better than you by the look of that shiner.

看你那熊猫眼 我比你好点

3. If all you got is that shiner, then it's a good trade.

如果你的伤口是因此有的 那也是不错的交易

4. You outshine 'em even with a shiner.


5. Which is more than he deserves for all the shiners he's given me over the years.

这已经便宜他了 毕竟他这些年揍了我那么多回

6. I'm the one who got the shiner making our getaway.

逃跑的时候 我眼睛上挨了一拳呢

7. Looks like I gave him a pretty good shiner, too.


8. I may have a vanishing cream and foundation combo for that shiner.

我也许可以用雪花膏和粉底搭配起来 遮住黑眼圈

9. There's a plane waiting for you. I'll leak to the press you got that shiner playing tennis with the president.

飞机在等着你 我会向媒体透露 你那黑眼圈是跟总统打网球时弄的

10. Yeah, but you did and when the others find out you crossed early, you might get a matching shiner.

但你确实离开了 等其他人发现你提前爽约 你或许会被打成熊猫眼



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

