中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['feɪtfl] 美 [ˈfetfəl]

a. 宿命的, 重大的, 决定性的

s. having momentous consequences; of decisive importance
s. ominously prophetic


1. Maybe it's fate. I don't believe in fate.

这可能是命运 我不信命

2. You have not only sealed your fate, but the fate of your daughter, as well.

你不仅限制了自己的未来 也限制了你女儿的未来

3. May the fate of my people rest on the fate of my life.


4. Our lives are ruled by fate, and those who interfere with fate do so to their sorrow.

我们的人生自有天命 擅自篡改命运的轨迹 终将自食恶果

5. Those people down there, they control our fate and the fate of every other mutant.

下面的那些人 掌控着我们所有变种人的命运

6. A fate the child was about to meet, a particularly violent fate that wasn't meant to be.

孩子要面对的命运 特别的暴力命运不算

7. Yeah. I don't know if I believe in fate, but if it wasn't fate, it was pretty darn close.

是啊 我不知道自己是否相信命运 但如果这都不是命运 那还有什么是

8. I believed entirely in fate, and it was that same fate that brought me to the woman I love today.

我全然相信命运 也正是那命运 把我带到了如今我爱的女人身边

9. And changing their fates changes even more fates until things become sincerely unfortunate, and we have to hit the reset button.

而他们的命运改变会引起更多改变 直到情况变得相当严重 我们只得进行重启

10. So believe me when I tell you that sometimes when one walks away from his fate, it leads one directly to fate's doorstep.

请相信我 有时当人斩断命运之羁 却不知已直接走到命运的门阶



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

