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音标: 英 ['fænsɪfəlɪ] 美 ['fænsɪfəlɪ]

adv. 富于幻想地; 梦想地

r. in a fanciful manner


1. I don't have a fancy camera, or fancy special effects, or a fancy cameraman.

我可没有昂贵的摄像机 也不会做精美特效 也没有厉害的摄影师

2. Okay, so... lady puts on a fancy dress, goes to a fancy party out at sea, fancy boat.

好的 这位女士精心打扮 去参加一场盛大的豪华游轮聚会

3. At her place, she was trying on fancy clothes, fancy shoes.

在她家 她试了一些高档衣服和鞋

4. You fancy each other, then you don't.

小孩会彼此喜欢 然后又不喜欢了

5. I suppose a fancy restaurant like this is too fancy for a common man such as yourself.

我觉得这么豪华的餐厅 不适合你这样的小 丝

6. It's got two sleeves and it has a, a fancy hole to put your fancy head through.

它有两个衣袖 而且还有个高大上的洞 你高大上的头可以从中穿过来

7. Now some fat pig has his ass plopped in his fancy chair and his fancy table.

现在那些肥猪把 坐在了他家的豪华桌椅上

8. You done went up north and got your college degree, your fancy cars, and your fancy suits.

你去北方拿了个大学文凭 开一辆好车 穿一身靓衣

9. And he'd show up every year in hishis fancy car, wearing his fancy watch, spend ten minutes with us and pose for a photo so he'd get his name in the papers.

他每年都会开着豪车来到这里 带着名牌表 和我们一起待个十分钟 拍个照片 好让自己上回头条

10. But all of this is a fancy, a dream.

但所有这些只是一个幻想 一个梦



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

