中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['sɪlɪ] 美 [ˈsɪlɪ]

a. 愚蠢的, 糊涂的

n. a word used for misbehaving children


1. Mary, I was just being silly, you silly.

玛丽 我只是在搞笑而已 傻妞

2. Don't be silly, little girl, yeah? I'm not silly.

别犯傻 小姑娘 好吗 我不傻

3. It's the only way I know you'll stop playing these silly, silly games.

只有这样我才能确定你会停止那些 蠢透了的小把戏

4. Now, I'm only taking one shot, so if the first one's a silly one, you're gonna have to live with a silly one.

我只会拍一张 就算第一张没拍好 也不会拍第二张了

5. Don't be silly, we love having you here.

别说傻话 我们喜欢你住在这

6. No, silly. I have a surprise for you.

才不是 傻瓜 我给你准备了惊喜

7. He was, he wasn't proposing to me, silly.

他又不是在跟我求婚 傻瓜

8. No, no, no, those aren't for eating, silly.

不 不 这些可不是吃的 小傻瓜

9. It was silly of me not to have thought of it here.

我真傻 居然没想到这里也可以扩建



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

