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音标: 英 ['bʌblɪ] 美 [ˈbʌblɪ]

a. 多泡的, 起泡的
n. 香槟酒

s. full of or showing high spirits


1. They're trapped in bubbles, and you have to bounce these bubbles into those bubbles to free them.

他们被困在泡泡里了 你要把这些泡泡 弹到那堆泡泡里 把他们放出来

2. It's not a bubble but think of a bubble.

其實不是氣泡 想象成氣泡就行

3. This appears to be a tube of bubble wrap already bubble wrapped with bubble wrap.

这好像是一卷已经用泡泡纸 包装好的泡泡纸

4. When you hit bubbles, and then more bubbles come down.

当你打破气泡时 会有更多的气泡下来

5. I've just got to go back to the bubble van to fill up the bubble bucket with bubble mixture.

我得拿着泡泡桶 去泡泡车里重新装泡泡混合液

6. It's bubbling. It's just, when it's bubbling, it's ready to be flipped.

冒泡了 冒泡的时候就该翻面了

7. We can see that there are bubbles in the surface layer and then there's a whole column of bubbles that stacks up.

能看见表层有气泡 还有一整列气泡堆积在底下

8. Imagine a great big soap bubble with one of those tiny little bubbles on the outside.

想象一个巨大的肥皂泡 在那之外有许多小泡泡

9. I can go home, run a bubble bath ooh, I love bubble baths and drink gin.

我可以回家 来个泡泡浴... 我爱死泡泡浴了 再喝点琴酒

10. When I blow a bubble, if I blow it just a little bit, it expands but it doesn't break off, but if I blow it harder, it breaks off and forms a bubble.

当我吹泡泡时 若我轻轻地吹 气泡就会膨胀但不会飞出去 若我使劲地吹 它就会脱离并形成一个泡泡



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

