中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɪm'pru:vd] 美 [ɪm'pru:vd]

a. 改良的

a. made more desirable or valuable or profitable; especially made ready for use or marketing
s. become or made better in quality
s. (of land) made ready for development or agriculture by clearing of trees and brush


1. And this can improve fine lines, it can improve wrinkles, and it can improve age spots and pigmentation as well.

它可以抚平细纹 可以减轻褶皱 还能淡化老人斑和色素沉淀

2. Sorry, improv is fun and great and everything, but you guys are really into improv.

抱歉 即兴表演很有意思也很棒 但你们太深陷其中了

3. Now I'm not saying this one can't be improved upon but this one cannot be improved upon.

我并不是说这一点不能改进 而是说这一点是无法改进的

4. And it's that untensioning of the brain that we believe leads to improvements in blood supply and, as a result, improve function.

我们相信大脑外部压力的减轻 能改善大脑供血 进而增强大脑机能

5. Most people don't assume vision will improve, hearing will improve, certainly not cognitive abilities.

大部分人没有猜到视觉会提高 听觉会提高 当然也没想到认知能力会提高

6. People understand that palliative care might help improve their quality of life, it might improve their physical symptoms.

大家能够理解 姑息治疗可能会 有助于提高生命的质量 可能会改善他们的身体症状

7. Yes, palliative care does improve people's quality of life, but in some circumstances, palliative care even improves people's quantity of life, so there's no tradeoff.

的确 姑息治疗确实提高了人们的生活质量 但在某些情况下 姑息治疗甚至能延长 人们的存活期 所以并没有取舍一说

8. We were very pleased to see how quickly normal songs start emerging out of those very unstructured songs of the isolate and that individual bird has this ability to imitate and to improve, and improve at the level that he makes the song more species like and perhaps more effective.

看到这群鸟这么快就将隔离产生的 无序叫声变为正常鸣叫 我们很高兴 鸟类个体有能力去模仿和优化叫声 使其听上去更像自己族群的语言 也可能更好听

9. I'd agree if there had been any improvements.

要是治疗有效果 我肯定同意

10. He's improving. I'll sit with him a while.

有所好转 我陪他坐会儿吧



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

