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音标: 英 [ˈdeɪtɪd] 美 [ˈdetɪd]

a. 有日期的, 陈旧的

s. marked by features of the immediate and usually discounted past


1. But then, who's the date with? It's not a date.

那然后跟谁约会呢 不是约会

2. Who she dated, but then wasn't dating, but now is apparently dating again.

一开始在跟加比约会 然后分手 现在显然又在约会的人

3. Downsized or not, dates or no dates.

无论规模怎么样 有没有舞伴

4. It's a date. It's a sad, weird, hippie date, but it's a date nonetheless.

叫约会 是可悲 古怪 嬉皮的约会 但仍然是一次约会

5. The date didn't happen because she got upset that I was going on a date, but then she's going on a date, too.

根本就没约会 因为我跟别人约会被她撞见了 她很生气 结果她后来也去约别人了

6. Who else have you dated? I don't date people.

你还和谁交往过 我从不和人交往

7. Date or dates. doesn't have to be just one.

一场还是很多场 不用非得就一场

8. This is a fun date. I've been on a lot of dates.

跟你约会很有趣 我约会过很多次

9. You screwed me out of a date, you're not gonna have a date.

你毁了我的约会 你也别想约会

10. At least when I date someone, I date them.

至少我跟人家交往时 我是真在交往



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

