中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ʃedjuːl] 美 ['skedʒuːl]

n. 时间表, 一览表, 计划表, 议事日程
vt. 预定, 编制目录, 制...表, 安排

n. an ordered list of times at which things are planned to occur
v. plan for an activity or event
v. make a schedule; plan the time and place for events


1. If I was a manager, it would be too difficult to balance my schedule and my wife's schedule.

如果我是经理 就能难照顾到 我和妻子的工作时间

2. And it just it would be too difficult to balance my schedule and my wife's schedule and looking after the children.

这样很难照顾到 我和妻子的工作时间 以及照顾孩子

3. Professors normally prefer to schedule their own appointments, but he insisted I schedule it and have it documented in your file.

教授們一般都喜歡自己安排會見時間 但這次他堅持讓我來安排 還讓我在你的檔案上做了記錄

4. Let me just check my schedule, he said, trying to seem like a man with things on his schedule.

让我看一下行程表 他说道 好像他行程表上真有安排一样

5. There is a hotel built in '74 that is scheduled for demo, and there is a warehouse scheduled for loft conversion that was built in 1928.

有家74年建的酒店 已经废弃了 还有个1928年建的仓库 被改造成了艺术工厂

6. I'm gonna clear my schedule tomorrow, and you're gonna clear your schedule, and we're going to have a real conversation about everything that's going on here and how to manage it together.

我会推掉我明天所有的行程 你也推掉你的 我们得好好坐下来谈一谈 一起聊聊最近发生的事 然后商量下怎么共同应对

7. You've been so cool about my schedule.


8. I could work that into your schedule.


9. Don't don't schedule it now. I have a..

不要现在安排 我得...

10. But she cleared her schedule to do it.

但她清空了日程 专程见他们



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

