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音标: 英 [ -kli]

adv. (过分)简单化地


1. That's a simplistic description, but you seem a simplistic woman.

简单来说就是这样 反正你这女人看起来就头脑简单

2. Girl, you don't have to sound so simplistic.

妹子 你不要那么天真好不好

3. No, I think you're the perfect amount of simplistic.

不 我觉得你单纯的刚好

4. All I can tell you is it's a little simplistic.

我能说的是 这幅画有点过分简略了

5. Yeah, because it was morally simplistic and narcissistic.

没错 因为那从道德层面上来说太简单太自恋了

6. It's everything this guy does. It's naive and it's simplistic and it works.

是这家伙干得所有事 天真 简单 却都能成功

7. Without bein' simplistic, this thing's over when you say it's over.

虽然不简单 但这事你开口 就能结束

8. Too simplistic. If it's on a highway, it could be up to 120 miles away.

想得太简单了 如果走高速公路的话 距离可以延长至120英里

9. And that's an easytodigest narrative, even though it's very simplistic.

雖然這個故事聽起來可能過於簡單 但它的邏輯還是很容易理解的

10. Your philosophy is still marred by your simplistic notion of causality.

你对因果循环的简单理解 依然误导着你的观念



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