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音标: 英 ['beɪsn] 美 [ˈbesɪn]

n. 盆, 盆地
[医] 第三脑室, 骨盆

n. a bowl-shaped vessel; usually used for holding food or liquids
n. the quantity that a basin will hold
n. a natural depression in the surface of the land often with a lake at the bottom of it


1. I have them ready for you, they're over near the basins.

我都准备好了 在水盆边上

2. The great basin desert once had plenty of it.


3. It's not too all. It has a toilet and a hand basin.

也不算太小 有卫生间和洗手盆

4. Don't do it on the floor, we're gonna get you a basin.

别吐地上 我们会给你找个盆来

5. That fire line to the west is cutting off any route into that basin.

往西蔓延的火势 阻断了盆地的通路

6. I hid your, um, hunting tarp in the slop basin.

我把你的狩猎油布 藏在了尿桶里

7. Yes. I've just been washing my clothes in the hand basin.

对 我刚在洗手池里洗衣服来着

8. Right next to their dining room, there is the basin full to the brim.

就在餐厅隔壁 是一个满满当当的水池

9. A continuous stream of spring water is piped right into a basin.


10. Check your trays, the drape pockets, look in the basins, everywhere.

托盘 制服口袋 还有垃圾桶 都看一看



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

