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音标: 英 [ˌrefəˈrendəm] 美 [ˌrɛfəˈrɛndəm]

n. (就重大政治或社会问题进行的)全民公决,全民投票

n. a legislative act is referred for final approval to a popular vote by the electorate


1. Kolya confirmed that they are going to fake an emergency referendum.

科利亚已经证实 他们会进行假的紧急全民公投

2. The deal was put to a referendum and the public narrowly voted no.

协议进行了公民复决投票 反对票票数略占上风

3. You know, to some, a simple schoolhouse whiteboard, but to those in the know, a referendum on democracy.

告诉你 对有些人来说这就是块白板 但对行家来说 这就是 公决

4. No, it's a referendum on the dangers of running the border at 90 miles an hour.

不 这是关乎以150公里的危险时速 穿越边境线的全民公决

5. Russia simply took over, then organised a questionable referendum on who should govern.

俄罗斯轻易夺取了 并对其统治权归属组织了存疑的全民公投

6. referendums are quite literally the worst way to decide anything.

不管是做什么决定 全民公投都绝对是 最烂的方法

7. I am grateful, as I expect our people to be when they vote on a new referendum to restore our status as a protectorate, which I expect to pass overwhelmingly.

我很感谢 我想我们的人民 在新一轮全民公决投票 确定我们的保护国时 也会感谢你们 我想会以压倒性优势通过的



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