中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ənˈles] 美 [ʌnˈlɛs]

conj. 除非
prep. 除...之外

conj. Upon any less condition than (the fact or thing stated
in the sentence or clause which follows); if not; supposing that not;
if it be not; were it not that; except; as, we shall fail unless we are


1. Not unless... not unless I had a good reason.

除非 除非我有个好理由

2. I think unless you've been there and unless you've lived with it, you've no idea.

我觉得除非你经历过那些 除非你生活中见过这种人 否则无法想象

3. unless unless you've heard something different.


4. unless... unless she's your soulmate and she's performed a miracle on you.

除非 除非她是你的灵魂伴侣 她还在你身上创造了奇迹

5. unless you wake up, unless you free yourselves from these dreadful creatures, they're going to destroy you.

除非你们醒来 除非你们把自己 从这些可怕的生物手中解救出来 它们要毁灭你们

6. I mean, I wouldn't... I wouldn't give this thing up unless... unless somebody needs the money.

依我看 我是舍不得把这房子卖出去的 除非有人急需用钱

7. Oh, no pay for anybody unless we can unless we can get up there.

谁都拿不到工资 除非我们... 除非我们能上去

8. Apparently, there's a twoyear waitlist to get an appointment unless you know someone, or unless you are someone.

想预约到他得等两年 除非你认识人 或者自己就是大人物

9. unless you have them, and they're hilarious.

除非你们真的有 而且很搞笑

10. You couldn't have her unless I was gone.

我不死的话 你就不可能得到她



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

