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音标: 英 ['blæŋkɪt] 美 [ˈblæŋkɪt]

n. 毛毯, 毯子
vt. 掩盖, 覆盖
a. 总共的

n. bedding that keeps a person warm in bed
n. anything that covers
n. a layer of lead surrounding the highly reactive core of a nuclear reactor
v. cover as if with a blanket


1. Baby single parents, baby teeth, baby blankets, warm blankets, fuzzy blankets.

单亲宝宝 宝宝乳牙 宝宝毯子 暖和毯子 毛绒绒的毯子

2. My shipping company pays them in trinkets and blankets and now they're saying those blankets made them sick.

我们公司给他们毯子和一些小玩意当过路费 现在他们说毯子就是疫情的根源

3. With her body, there was a bloodstained baby blanket, which is an exact match to the blanket the baby was wrapped in when we found you this afternoon.

她的尸体旁边还有一条带血迹的婴儿抱毯 和今天下午 我们见到你们时包裹婴儿的 那条抱毯一模一样

4. You know, I just realized that I have blankets, so I'm going to take a nap using the several blankets that I already have.

我刚意识到 我有毯子 所以我准备去睡一小觉 用我已有的几条毛毯盖着

5. Whether it would be us on a plane flying somewhere, and we wanted to be affectionate, we would actually take a coat or a blanket and cover our arms, and like hold hands under the blanket.

即便是坐在飞机上 我们想亲热时 会用大衣或是毯子遮住手臂 然后在毯子下紧握双手

6. We have the other piece of that blanket.


7. No, it's just a pillow and a blanket.

不是 只是给你拿个枕头和毯子

8. There's some blankets in, uh, that cabinet.


9. And then a man was wrapping me in a blanket.


10. We have a rope and a blanket in the car.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

