中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ʃəʊɪ] 美 [ˈʃoɪ]

a. 艳丽的, 炫耀的

s. displaying brilliance and virtuosity


1. It's meaningless, and it's showy, and it's absurd.

这根本毫无意义 就是在炫耀 太荒唐

2. People don't feel it's as showy as the other one.


3. It's only a tiny part, but rather a showy one all the same.

只是个小角色 不过还是挺抢眼的

4. I was thinking twocarat, emeraldcut, but I don't wanna be too showy.

我想要两克拉 祖母绿切割的钻 但又不想太炫耀

5. Oh, it was originally a rainbow, but that seemed showy.

原来是彩虹 但看起来太显眼了

6. A little showy for my taste, but she gets the job done.

个人觉得有点儿花哨 但她工作得很好

7. The longtailed lads look to be more fun than the boy with the showy heart.

这些长尾巴的小伙子们 比散发着圣光的男孩更有趣

8. They might be less grand and showy than great public buildings, but they still shape the lives of millions.

相比气势恢宏的公共建筑来说 它们可能较为矮小 其貌不扬 但它们营造了数百万家庭的生活环境

9. Now, I've asked him to replace her with someone less showy, less likely to pull focus, but he refused.

我已经叫他换个不那么招眼的了 不那么容易吸引注意的 但他拒绝了

10. Oh, and then we could get some really big sofa cushions, and then it would be more functional comfort, you know, instead of being actually showy.

然后我们可以搞几个大沙发垫 既舒服 又实用 而不是搞得很花哨



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


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