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音标: 英 [mɑ:sk] 美 [mæsk]

n. 面具, 假面具, 掩饰, 石膏面模
vt. 戴面具, 掩饰, 使模糊
vi. 化装, 戴面具, 掩饰, 参加化装舞会
[计] 屏蔽; 掩码

n. a covering to disguise or conceal the face
n. activity that tries to conceal something
n. a protective covering worn over the face
v. put a mask on or cover with a mask


1. We can't breathe without the masks, we can't breathe with the masks.

没有面罩就不能呼吸 戴了面罩喘不上气

2. No, she's a mask, a mask we put on one day a week.

不 她是面具 我们每周戴一次的面具

3. There was a black face mask, like alike a hockey mask.

之前这里有个黑色的面具 像一个... 像一个曲棍球面具

4. You know, at the same time, hood is just a mask, a sophisticated mask, for sure.

与此同时 成年只是一副面具 一副复杂精致的面具

5. Can you still make a mask? I need a face to make a mask.

你还能做面具吗 我至少得有张脸啊

6. Boy wearing baby mask meets girl wearing horsehead mask.


7. In 2017 it was a skull mask, and though we have no witnesses, forensics confirmed that there was paint in the mask.

2017年 是一个骨头面具 虽然没有目击者 法医证实了面具上有涂画

8. We got masks tearing our city to pieces, and we're going to need a mask to stop 'em.

现在一群蒙面人肆意践踏我们的城市 我们需要另一个蒙面人来阻止他们

9. Her colored contact lenses masked the petechial hemorrhaging, and the body paint masked the bruising.

她的有色隐形眼镜 掩饰了出血瘀点 而身体彩绘掩饰了瘀青

10. All I have are three men in pig masks to go with the 500 pig masks at the protest across the street.

现在只知道是三个戴猪面具的人 而街对面的 人群 有五百个戴着猪面具呢



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

