中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ʌnˈskru:pjələs] 美 [ʌnˈskrupjələs]

a. 无道德原则的, 不审慎的, 肆无忌惮的

a. without scruples or principles


1. We screwed up the computers of a few unscrupulous companies.


2. Or bought it from an unscrupulous funeral parlor.

或者是买来的 从哪个 的殡仪馆

3. Pity to have been born into a family of such unscrupulous people.

生长在如此无道德的家庭里 真可惜

4. And being the unscrupulous drug dealers that they are, they saw an opportunity.

他的老伙计们是肆无忌惮的毒贩 他们看到了发财的机会

5. unscrupulous reporters did everything they could to sow hatred between myself and my own sister.

不知廉耻的记者想尽办法 播种仇恨 离间我和我妹妹

6. No, but I understand how vulnerable you must feel, how... susceptible to unscrupulous operators.

不 但我能想象你肯定觉得很无助 容易屈服于 不择手段之人

7. An unscrupulous medical supplier might pay top dollar.

不法分子靠卖尸体赚钱 没人问尸体的来源

8. l find the majority of traders to be unprincipled,unscrupulous rogues.

我发现大部分的商人都是没有原则 毫无道德的无赖

9. I am referring to various unscrupulous operations carried out by our own financial organization, and at the private level.

我说的是我们自己的金融机构 各种虚假无底线的操作 还有在私人层面上

10. A blackmarket bazaar thrown by dangerous criminals, attended by greedy and unscrupulous people.

危险的罪犯组织的交易黑市 出席的都是贪婪 的人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

