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音标: 英 [ˌni:əʊ'klæsɪk] 美 [ˌni:oʊ'klæsɪk]

a. 新古典主义的

s. characteristic of a revival of an earlier classical style


1. These are the classical and neoclassical schools.


2. And, of course, they are all in some way neoclassical in design.

当然 这些在设计上都有一些新古典元素

3. One source of this disinformation is the neoclassical school of economics.

这些假情报的其中一个来源 就是新古典经济学派

4. The drawing room has recently been refurbished in the neoclassical style.

会客厅最近重新装修过 采取了新古典主义风格

5. It reminds me of the great neoclassical busts and you almost have that head and shoulder shape here.

让我想起新古典派杰出的半身像 在这你几乎能看出头和肩膀的轮廓

6. That thing you purloined from the drug bust is a bastardization of the entire neoclassical tradition and it's stupid.

你在 检查时偷来的这东西 是新古典主义传统的产物 而且很难看

7. It's these neoclassical models which favour large corporations that have been used to legitimise the financialization of the global economy.

这些偏袒大型企业财团的新古典主义模型 使得全球经济金融化变得合法

8. To build an enormous, neoclassical palace on Indian soil said something completely different.

而在印度的土壤上建造 这样一座巨大的新古典主义宫殿 则有着完全不同的意义

9. The neoclassical school emerged around 100 years ago due to vested interests' desire to protect their assets.

新古典学派大约出现于100年前 便于既得利益者们保护其私人资产

10. neoclassical economics have ruined life for the bottom billions, tempted everyone into intergenerational conflict and created massive suffering that has no limits.

新古典经济学毁了社会底层数十亿人民的生活 将大众目光引向世代冲突 使人们生活在水深火热的无尽苦难中



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新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

