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音标: 英 ['dʒaɪrəs] 美 ['dʒaɪrəs]

n. 回转, 脑回
[医] 脑回, 回

n. a convex fold or elevation in the surface of the brain


1. It's the cingulate gyrus, part of the limbic system.

那是扣带皮层 大脑边缘系统的一部分

2. The cingulate gyrus is the key connection to the precuneus.


3. The temporal gyrus for a chimp is about a third the size of a human's.

黑猩猩的颞回 大小大约是人类的三分之一

4. Bullet caused damage to the right fusiform gyrus.


5. The core of the mass is centered over area 5, the superior parietal gyrus.

癌症的核心超过了5区范围 覆盖了上顶回区

6. This is normal, this is just your parahippocampal gyrus activating in the presence of your fullyfunctioning prefrontal cortex.

这很正常 只是你的海马回[脑颞叶内的一个部位] 在你高速运转的前额皮质 之下产生的应激反应

7. It should reduce the swelling in the temporal gyrus of the brain's dominant hemisphere, which, in this case, happens to be the left.

它可以减轻优势大脑半球的 颞上回的肿胀 也就是左半球

8. I translated the signals for simple hand gestures from the brain's precentral gyrus, and I linked them to the navigation input on the copter.

我把大脑中央前回的信号 转化为简单的手势 再把它跟 飞行器的导航输入相连接

9. Vibrations of air tickling our eardrums, turned into electric impulses in the cochlea and processed by the superior temporal gyrus.

空气震动带动我们的鼓膜震动 在耳蜗中转化为电脉冲 传递到颞上回进行处理



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

