中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['kʌdʒl] 美 [ˈkʌdʒəl]

n. 棍棒
vt. 用棍棒打

n. a club that is used as a weapon
v. strike with a cudgel


1. If you raise a cudgel, you don't have to swing it.

如果你举起一根棍子 你不需要挥动它

2. And then is to be cudgelled to death by his comrades.

当然能 让你的战友用锤子砸死你

3. Your cudgel is now in parts unknown, and I am so very sorry.

你的短杖如今不知在何处 我真的非常抱歉

4. That cudgel was passed down by my ancestors for over a hundred years.

那根短杖是由我的祖先传下来的 历经百年

5. You slept with my sister and stole my family's sacred cudgel.

你睡了我妹妹 还偷了我们家族神圣的短杖

6. The accused in the cells, waiting to hang, used a metal cudgel.

但是牢房中等着被绞死的被告 用的是金属棍

7. used for close quarters combat. I have never seen nor heard of a cudgel.

用于近距离作战 我从没见过 也没听说过任何短杖

8. Yes, and in a fit of passion, I absconded with your cudgel to keep as a memento of our secret love.

然后一阵 之下 我拿着你的短杖潜逃了 将它作为我们秘密爱情的纪念物收藏



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