中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [,speʃәlai'zeiʃәn]

n. <主英> =specialization

n (biology) the structural adaptation of some body part for a particular function
n the act of specializing; making something suitable for a special purpose
n the special line of work you have adopted as your career


1. This is our patch, our victim, our specialisation.

这是我们的辖区 我们的被害人 我们的专长

2. Those segments are specialised in different ways.


3. Down here live some of the most specialised animals on the planet.

这里生活着一些 地球上最特别的动物

4. To see just what they're doing, we need specialised cameras.

我们需要专门的相机 才能看见它们在做什么

5. I took him to a centre that specialises in treating veterans with trauma.

我带他去了一家治疗中心 这家中心专门治疗有创伤的老兵

6. I'm a doctor, and I specialised in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine.

我是一名医生 专长是麻醉 和重症医学

7. I'm a research fellow in zoology, specialising in arachnids and arthropods.

我是动物学研究员 专门研究蛛形纲和节肢动物

8. Specialised in espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance behind enemy lines.

尤其擅长间谍 破坏 以及敌后侦察

9. There are lots of shops that specialise in selling articles needed for funerals, for cremations.

这里有很多专卖 葬礼和火葬悼文的商店

10. Certainly, science has become so specialised now that it's impossible to be an expert in all areas.

显然 科学现在有很高的专一性 成为一个所有领域的专家是不可能的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

