中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [hɔ:s] 美 [hɔrs]

n. 马, 骑兵, 脚架
vi. 骑马, 取笑
vt. 使骑马, 系马于

n. solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times
n. a padded gymnastic apparatus on legs
v. provide with a horse or horses


1. If it ells like a horse and it leaves a trail of horse prints and a big pile of horse manure, it's a horse.

如果闻上去像是马 并留下了一串马蹄印 以及一坨马粪 那就是马

2. They don't do horses but a general should have a horse.

他们不养马 但是领袖应该要有一匹马

3. Because horses run on tracks and you are a horse.

因为马跑在赛道上 而你是一匹马

4. Sometimes a horse has gotta do what a horse has gotta do.

有时候一匹马 得去做马该做的事

5. And... and she took care of these horses there, these... bigass horses.

她养着那些马 那些大 的马

6. Jimmy, get off the horse before you hurt yourself, the horse, or both.

吉米 下马 免得伤到自己和马

7. Teeter, let's saddle that yellow horse and the white horse.

提特 给那匹黄马 还有白马套上马鞍

8. He got back on the horse without getting back on the horse.

他重振雄风[骑上马背] 却没有碰毒[马]一丝

9. But they were looking for people down at the horse rides for the disableds to look after the horses down there.

但残疾人骑马项目在招人 来照顾那里的马

10. Aw, the people's pajamas have little horses on them, and the horses' have little people.

他们穿的睡衣上有小马 而他家的马穿的衣服上有小人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

