中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌmɪnɪmaɪ'zeɪʃən]

n. 极小化(求最小值, 最简化)

n the act of reducing something to the least possible amount or degree or position


1. We have to split up, minimise the brain signals.

我们必须分开 减弱大脑信号

2. I told my army to minimise collateral damage.


3. We need to minimise the risk to the public immediately.


4. Using the antenna as a shield may help minimise the risk.


5. To minimise disturbance, they scanned the mangroves with infrared light, invisible to crocodiles.

为了减少干扰 他们用鳄鱼看不见的红外光 扫描了红树林

6. Other key structures they need to try and minimise dose to are the brainstem and the hippocampus.

其他需要尽量避免辐射的组织 是脑干和海马体

7. Medication can be used to stabilise mood, to minimise manic and depressive episodes.

药物能用来稳定情绪 减少躁狂和沮丧的情绪

8. But what the experiments revealed was that throughout each step, the angle of the pelvis is constantly adjusted to minimise the necessary work.

但实验显示 每走一步 骨盆都在调整角度 从而使必要出力最小化

9. And so we've really been very strident at trying to minimise scarring by hiding the incisions, by pushing them off into the groins, that when you're standing in front of a mirror, you don't see a scar.

所以我们一直很坚持 通过隐藏切口来使伤疤最小化 把切口藏进腹股沟里 这样就算你站在 镜子前面 也看不到任何疤痕

10. There's always a certain percentage of mistakes, and so the question is, you know, how to design a system to minimise those errors without upsetting too many people, essentially.

总会有一定程度的错误率存在 所以问题的关键就在于 如何设计出一个系统 在让大多数人 满意的情况下 让这些错误最小化



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

