中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [mɜ:(r)] 美 [mɚ]

n. 没药树
[化] 没药

n. aromatic resin that is burned as incense and used in perfume


1. Cymbopogon and myrrh? I've seen this somewhere before.

香茅和没药吗 我好像在哪见过

2. Frankincense, myrrh and, of course, the sheep and goats.

乳香 没药香 当然还有绵羊和山羊的气味

3. Don't forget, we take cash, credit, frankincense and myrrh.

请记住 我们接受现金 信用卡 乳香树脂还有没药树脂

4. It's a paste made from a mixture of olive oil, cassia, cinnamon, cymbopogon, and myrrh.

颜料是一种由橄榄油 肉桂 桂皮 香茅 没药混合而成

5. Everybody has to see the gold and frankincense and myrrh so they know we're the three wise men.

让大家能看到黄金 乳香与没药 才能知道我们是东方三博士

6. All I know is I saw a letter in here that had a recipe on it with olive oil, cassia, cinnamon, cymbopogon, and myrrh.

我只知道我在这看到过一封有写食谱的信 里面提到了橄榄油 肉桂 桂皮 香茅和没药

7. We're locking ourselves in here for seven days, and burning frankincense and myrrh to keep away evil spirits.

我们要在这里七天不出去 焚烧乳香和没药来驱赶恶灵

8. It was used in ancient times to prepare the righteous for battle against demons, and the ingredients include cymbopogon and myrrh.

是古时候用来准备 与恶魔战斗的东西 它的原材料包含了香茅和没药

9. 2,000 years ago, aromatic frankincense and myrrh were essential for the ceremonies and rituals which punctuated daily life.

两千年前 乳香和没药在渗透进日常生活的 庆典和仪式中非常重要

10. Then you need to write the name of the demon on the dog skin drawing and burn some myrrh and saffron to fumigate it, and hang it around your neck.

然后你要在狗皮画上 写下魔鬼的名字 点上一些没药和藏红花熏制狗皮画 然后挂在脖子上



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

