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音标: 英 [ˈtju:bɪŋ] 美 [ˈtubɪŋ, ˈtju-]

n. 管料, 管道系统, 管状组织
[化] 管工; 管材; 管线; 管道; 管道系统; 铺设管道

n conduit consisting of a long hollow object (usually cylindrical) used to hold and conduct objects or liquids or gases
v provide with a tube or insert a tube into
v convey in a tube
v ride or float on an inflated tube
v place or enclose in a tube


1. You tubed him, and he didn't want to be tubed.


2. Everyone knows you can't do tube on tube.

人人都知道 这两样不能一起穿出来

3. The tube's... the tube's about half full of water.

管道 管道里的水过半了

4. Last tube, ladies and gents, last tube.

最后一班车 女士们先生们

5. Because everybody's wearing tube tops, but I'm not a tube top kind of gal.

因为所有人都在穿紧身抹胸上衣 但我不是这么穿的人

6. It's like she's wearing an inner tube at all times, a slightly deflated, brown inner tube.

真心就像一直套着车内胎一样 有些漏气 棕色的内胎

7. Okay, now the tricky part threading the tube thanks the air tube over the wire.

现在是最难的部分 穿送插管 谢谢 通过导丝插入气管插管

8. Then, they put packing tape over each end of the tube and they use a vacuum to draw a full vacuum in that tube.

然后在管子两端贴上胶带 用真空吸尘器吸空管子里的空气

9. I do also need a narrow sixfoot tube but I am going to get the alcohol from the dutyfree store and the tube from the back of a soda machine.

我还需要一根两米长的细管子 但我会去免税店买酒 管子我会去汽水贩卖机后面取



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

