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音标: 英 [keɪ'en] 美 [keɪ'en]

n. 辣椒

n. plant bearing very hot and finely tapering long peppers; usually red
n. ground pods and seeds of pungent red peppers of the genus Capsicum
n. a long and often twisted hot red pepper


1. I really do want a lemon water with the cayenne.


2. No. I just want a lemon water with cayenne.

不用了 我要一杯加辣柠檬水

3. I'll prepare a tonic of cayenne to sharpen the tongue.


4. Throw in cayenne cajun sauce, mixing all that up too.

就像放入红辣椒卡津酱 一起搅拌

5. Yeah, that's the right amount of cayenne that's perfection.

辣椒的味道恰到好处 简直完美

6. With all that cayenne, there's no way to get our scent back now.

用了那么多辣椒 它们不可能再追踪到我们的气味了

7. Finely chopped chives, and for a spicy hit, cayenne pepper.

葱花 为了加点辣味 放一些辣椒末

8. My mama'd throw that in the pot with the cayenne pepper and call it gumbo.

我妈妈把那东西和辣椒 放在锅里煮 叫秋葵浓汤

9. cayenne translates into everything that I wish that I was: confident, sexy, educated.

卡宴这个名字拥有一切我想有的特质 自信 性感 满腹诗书

10. I once had a similar result with a fist full of cayenne pepper in an emergency.

有一次我在緊急情況下 撒了一把辣椒麪 也很有效



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

